by Kitty Cat Now Louisville | May 30, 2024 | Boobs & Bacon, Pool Party
Are you planning a pool party in Louisville for your next gathering? Nothing is more inviting than a party featuring “Boobs and Bacon”. You would be hard-pressed to find a man that doesn’t like boobs and even harder-pressed to find one that doesn’t like bacon. When...
by Kitty Cat Now Louisville | May 13, 2024 | Destination Bachelor Party
Welcome to Louisville, the ultimate playground for your unforgettable bachelor party. At Kitty Cat Now, we believe the party should start the moment you step off the plane, not a second later. Why wait to check into your hotel when you can dive into the festivities as...
by Kitty Cat Now Louisville | Feb 5, 2024 | Boobs & Bacon, Tacos + Titties, Tits & Toast
Food and exotic fun have always gone hand-in-hand. There’s a reason that whipped cream is one of the most popular items for both dessert and in the bedroom! At Kitty Cat Now Louisville, we understand the appeal that food has, particularly when it’s combined with...
by Kitty Cat Now Louisville | Jan 8, 2024 | Boobs & Bacon
What could be better than waking up to the smell of sizzling bacon on a lazy morning? How about adding a generous helping of delicious entertainment to that mix? Welcome to Boobs and Bacon, Kitty Cat Now’s Louisville ultimate recipe for starting your day on an...
by Kitty Cat Now Louisville | Nov 13, 2023 | Sunday Funday
Sundays: a day of rest, relaxation, and… revelry? Absolutely! Gone are the days when Sundays were reserved for low-key activities and early bedtimes. With Kitty Cat Now Louisville in the mix, your Sundays are about to get a whole lot more exciting. Breaking the...